Thursday, October 7, 2010

The skipped generational cook

   I love to cook.  My mother always joked that the cooking "gene" skipped her and her mother and went straight to me.  My great-grandmother was apparently a wonderful cook who made everything from scratch for my grandmother and my mother.  I wish I could have met her.  Alas, I grew up on TV and box dinners.  I decided long ago to cook my own real food so that I wouldn't have to ever eat TV dinners again!
   This blog all started with a facebook picture gallery.  Since my fiance and I have moved in together, I have been cooking a lot more than I even did in the past.  It seemed a shame to just have all these meals go unrecorded.  So, I started putting my pictures up on facebook.  Check it out at  Soon enough, people started asking me when I would start my own food blog.  So, here it is.  I want this blog to be about cooking, food and food sources, reference books, restaurants, etc.  I'm still feeling it out so bear with me but I'm sure it'll be a marvelous and delicious ride.
   I call it "In search of the perfect macaroni and cheese" because of a little joke I have with myself.  Despite my wonderful cooking skills and my ability to master almost any recipe I make, I have never been able to make a great macaroni and cheese.  It doesn't matter what I do; somehow or another something is wrong with it.  Macaroni and cheese is one of my favorite dishes and I have very high standards on what a good macaroni and cheese tastes like.  Don't ask me how I got those standards with the TV dinner background I have, but somehow or another I do.  Macaroni and cheese must be just cheesy enough and firm enough and have the perfect topping.  I haven't found it yet, but one day I will find the perfect recipe for macaroni and cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Mac and cheese is the most freakin' hardest dish to make right...go forth on your quest!!!
