Saturday, December 8, 2012

Teriyaki beets

Hello to my faithful readers out there (and you would have to be faithful after I took such a long hiatus)... I'm back!!  November was completely sucked up to the craziness that is NaNoWriMo.  NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month and is an online challenge wherein the participants try to write an original novel at least 50,000 words in length during the month of November.  I am proud to announce that I won (and finished early- on Nov. 25th)!  But, as you can imagine, writing a novel occupied most of my time and my blog was, sadly, ignored.  But no more!  Now I have a whole backlog of recipes to blog about.  Starting with....

Teriyaki Beets from Fresh from the Farm and Garden by Friends of the UCSC Farm and Garden 


12 small beets (or one bunch full sized beets, quartered)
2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. soy sauce
4 tbsp. butter or canola oil
1 tbsp. minced fresh ginger
Minced garlic, optional


1) Boil or steam beets until almost tender (10-15 minutes).  Rinse in cold water and cut in half.
2) Combine rest of ingredients in small pan.  Heat gently, stirring, until sauce is smooth.  Brush sauce on beets and heat under broiler 5-10 minutes, basting frequently.

Teriyaki beets

The most delicious beet recipe ever!  I first tried this recipe as I had bought into someone's CSA (community supported agriculture) for the week and they had Chiogga (a.k.a. Candy-cane beets) in the farmshare along with a little pamphlet with recipes (of which this recipe was one).  I tried it once and fell in love.  For some reason, I always slice the beets ahead of time and cook them like that.  I love using Chiogga beets, for you still see the candy cane stripeness even when they are cooked.  I tried used regular (red) beets once but that experience was too scary to repeat (let's just say that everything turned red when I used the restroom for the next day or two and leave it at that).  Definitely delicious.  Look for chiogga (pronounced key-oh-juh) beets.  Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Know the "red" thing... Ukrainian Beet and Bean Stew (Moosewood Low-fat Cookbook) is a favorite here. My son made it for his co-op in Santa Cruz and forgot to warn folks. Some worried students the next day!
